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FNA Solutions Vodcast – 2022.11.02 – Monkey Rings External Fixation System
FNA Solutions Vodcast - Deformity Correction Strategies - External Fixation System - Hutchinson, Glazer
Monkey Bars Pin to Bar External Fixation System Webinar
Skip to 17 1/2 minutes in. Doesn't really get going until then.
Central Column Plating System and Monkey Rings External Fixation System Product Launch Call - July 6, 2022
Skip to 27 Minutes. Where Monkey Rings Introduced.
Monkey Rings™ Circular External Fixation System Launch Webinar
FNA Solutions Online Vodcast – Applications of Ankle Fracture 360 in Practice and External Fixation
Alex Smith: Project 11 [Extended Trailer] | E:60
Trailer of Alex Smith Circular Frame Story. Try to go watch it on ESPN+ or find on you OnDemand Cable Provided. Ridiculously Cool Story & Research His Comeback. (All for fun but it really ties it all together the power of these devices)